Miesen lab
unraveling molecular mechanisms 
of arbovirus transmission





'arbo| from arthropod-borne: transmitted by an arthropod species such as a mosquito or tick


What makes mosquitoes so efficient in transmitting arboviruses? We address this intriguing question in  two important mosquito species:

Aedes aegypti 
The yellow fever mosquito

Aedes albopictus
The Asian tiger mosquito


Mosquito-transmitted viruses 
shuttle between vertebrate and insect hosts. How do these viruses manage this challenging life cycle?
To understand this, we study major epidemic arboviruses.

Dengue virus
Zika virus
Chikungunya virus


How do mosquito-transmitted viruses and their hosts interact at the molecular level and how do these processes finally shape transmission? We are especially fascinated by the role of

Mosquito immunity
Mosquito (epi-)genetics
Metabolic responses to infection

lab news

April 2024

Milou receives the Mike Jetten award from the Royal Dutch society for Microbiology (KNVM) for her outstanding Master thesis.

March 2024
Femke receives the Christine Mohrmann stipendium for outstanding female PhD students. Congrats on this great achievement! For more info, see here.

Sarah Merkling (Pasteur Institute, Paris) visits the lab. Thanks for your inspiring seminar, Sarah!

Femke and Pascal present their work at the Dutch Annual Virology Symposium in Amsterdam. 

February 2024
Isabel joins the lab for her second master Internship. Welcome!

Pascal is awarded the Beijerinck Premium from the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW).

December 2023
Pascal receives an ENW-XS grant for a collaborative project with former lab member Joep Joosten.

Milou starts her PhD project on mosquito metabolism. Enjoy the ride!

November 2023
Samara has defended her PhD thesis!!! CONGRATS

Femke and Pascal present their work at the FEBS-IUBMB-Enable conference in Cologne.

October 2023
Femke's work on PRO-seq in mosquito cells is on BioRXiv. Congrats! Check out the story here.

July 2023
Pascal receives an ENW-XS grant from the Dutch research council. 

April 2023
Pascal receives an Off-road grant from the Netherlands organization for health research and development (ZonMw).

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