


N-glycosylated molecules act as a co-precipitant in RNA purification
Kim S, Choi Y, Janssen K, Bull C, Joshi BS, Pomorski A, Vered Raz, Tanenbaum ME, Miesen P, Li Z, Joo C. BioRXiv 2024.03.12.584655

Characterization of gene regulatory elements and dynamic antimicrobial immune responses in mosquito cells using PRO-seq
van Hout FAH, Himanen SV, Vihervaara A, Miesen P. BioRXiv 2023.11.03.565578

The Hsf1-sHsp cascade has pan-antiviral activity in mosquitoes
Qu J, Schinkel M, Chiggiato L, Rosendo Machado S, Overheul GJ, Miesen P, van Rij RP. BioRXiv 2023.02. 21.529413

Peer-reviewed publications

Open science discovery of potent noncovalent SARS-CoV-2 main protease inhibitors
Boby ML, Fearon D, Ferla M, Filep M, Koekemoer L, Robinson MC, The COVID Moonshot Consortium, Chodera JD, Lee AA, London N, van Delft A, van Delft F. Science 382, eabo7201

Novel approaches for the rapid development of rationally designed arbovirus vaccines
van Bree JWM,  Visser I, J Duyvestyn JM,  Aguilar-Bretones M, Marshall EM, van Hemert MJ, Pijlman GP, van Nierop GP, Kikkert M, Rockx BHG, Miesen P, Fros JJ. One health 16, 10565

Composition and global distribution of the mosquito virome - A comprehensive database of insect-specific viruses
JP Moonen JP, Schinkel M, van der Most T, Miesen P, van Rij RP. One Health 16, 100490

Comparative analysis of glass and Hemotek membrane feeding systems for malaria transmission research
Graumans W, Schinkel M, van Gemert GJ, Spitzen J, Bousema T, Miesen P. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg. 117, 476-8


The DEAD-box RNA helicase Dhx15 controls glycolysis and arbovirus replication in Aedes aegypti mosquito cells.
Rosendo Machado S, Qu J, Koopman WJH, Miesen P. PLoS Pathog. 18, e1010694.

Using human iPSC-derived kidney organoids to decipher SARS-CoV-2 pathology on single cell level
Reimer KC, Jansen J, Overheul GJ, Miesen P, van Rij RP, Triana SH, Smeets B, Schneider RK, Kramann R. STAR Protoc. 3, 101612

Functional Analysis of Individual piRNAs in Aedes aegypti Cells and Embryos Using Antisense Oligonucleotides
Halbach R, Miesen P. Methods Mol Biol. 2509, 3-22

The calcium channel inhibitor lacidipine inhibits Zika virus replication in neural progenitor cells.
Bezemer B, van Cleef KWR, Overheul GJ, Miesen P, van Rij RP. Antiviral Res. 202, 105313

SARS-CoV-2 infects the human kidney and drives fibrosis in kidney organoids. 
Jansen J et al. Cell Stem Cell 29, 217-231.e8


Endogenous piRNA-guided slicing triggers responder and trailer piRNA production from viral RNA in Aedes aegypti mosquitoes.
Joosten J, Overheul GJ, Van Rij RP, Miesen P. Nucleic Acids Res. 49, 8886-99

A piRNA-lncRNA regulatory network initiates responder and trailer piRNA formation during mosquito embryonic development
Betting V, Joosten J, Halbach R, Thaler M, Miesen P, Van Rij RP. RNA 27, 1155-72

Zooming in on targets of mosquito small RNAs
Halbach R, Miesen P, van Rij RP. Trends Parasitol. 37, 687-9

Berberine and Obatoclax Inhibit SARS-Cov-2 Replication in Primary Human Nasal Epithelial Cells In Vitro. Varghese FS, van Woudenbergh E, Overheul GJ, Eleveld MJ, Kurver L, van Heerbeek N, van Laarhoven A, Miesen P, den Hartog G, de Jonge MI, van Rij RP. Viruses 13, 282

Genetic determinants of antiviral immunity in dipteran insects - Compiling the experimental evidence. Rosendo Machado S, van der Most T, Miesen P. Dev Comp Immunol. 119, 104010

Population genomics in the arboviral vector Aedes aegypti reveals the genomic architecture and evolution of endogenous viral elements
Crava CM, Varghese FS, Pischedda E, Halbach R, Palatini U, Marconcini M, Gasmi L, Redmond S, Afrane Y, Ayala D, Paupy C, Carballar-Lejarazu R, Miesen P, van Rij RP, Bonizzoni M. Mol Ecol. 30, 1594-611


Improved reference genome of the arboviral vector Aedes albopictus
Palatini U et al. Genome Biol. 21, 215

Viral and subviral derived small RNAs as pathogenic determinants in plants and insects.
Leonetti P, Miesen P, van Rij RP, Pantaleo V. Adv Virus Res. 107, 1-36

Non-retroviral Endogenous Viral Element Limits Cognate Virus Replication in Aedes aegypti Ovaries.
Suzuki Y, Baidaliuk A, Miesen P, Frangeul L, Crist AB, Merkling SH, Fontaine A, Lequime S, Moltini-Conclois I, Blanc H, van Rij RP, Lambrechts L, Saleh MC. Curr Biol. 30, 3495-3506.e6

A satellite repeat-derived piRNA controls embryonic development of Aedes.
Halbach R, Miesen P, Joosten J, Taşköprü E, Rondeel I, Pennings B, Vogels CBF, Merkling SH, Koenraadt CJ, Lambrechts L, van Rij RP. Nature 580, 274-7


A DNA virus-encoded immune antagonist fully masks the potent antiviral activity of RNAi in Drosophila.
Bronkhorst AW, Vogels R, Overheul GJ, Pennings B, Gausson-Dorey V, Miesen P, van Rij RP. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 116,24296-302

Antiviral RNAi in Insects and Mammals: Parallels and Differences.
Schuster S, Miesen P, van Rij RP. Viruses 11, 448

Mosquito Small RNA Responses to West Nile and Insect-Specific Virus Infections in Aedes and Culex Mosquito Cells.
Göertz GP, Miesen P, Overheul GJ, van Rij RP, van Oers MM, Pijlman GP. Viruses 11, 271

Crossing the Mucosal Barrier: A Commensal Bacterium Gives Dengue Virus a Leg-Up in the Mosquito Midgut. 
Miesen P, van Rij RP. Cell Host Microbe 25, 1-2.

The Tudor protein Veneno assembles the ping-pong amplification complex that produces viral piRNAs in Aedes mosquitoes.
Joosten J, Miesen P, Taşköprü E, Pennings B, Jansen PWTC, Huynen MA, Vermeulen M, Van Rij RP. Nucleic Acids Res. 47, 2546-59

2012-2017 (selection)

Comparative genomics shows that viral integrations are abundant and express piRNAs in the arboviral vectors Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus.
Palatini U, Miesen P, Carballar-Lejarazu R, Ometto L, Rizzo E, Tu Z, van Rij RP, Bonizzoni M. (2017) BMC Genomics 18, 512

Histone-derived piRNA biogenesis depends on the ping-pong partners Piwi5 and Ago3 in Aedes aegypti.
Girardi E, Miesen P, Pennings B, Frangeul L, Saleh MC, van Rij RP. (2017) Nucleic Acids Res. 45, 4881-92

PIWIs Go Viral: Arbovirus-Derived piRNAs in Vector Mosquitoes.
Miesen P, Joosten J, van Rij RP. (2016) PLoS Pathog. 12, e1006017.

Small RNA Profiling in Dengue Virus 2-Infected Aedes Mosquito Cells Reveals Viral piRNAs and Novel Host miRNAs.
Miesen P, Ivens A, Buck AH, van Rij RP. (2016) PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 10, e0004452

Distinct sets of PIWI proteins produce arbovirus and transposon-derived piRNAs in Aedes aegypti mosquito cells.
Miesen P, Girardi E, van Rij RP (2015) Nucleic Acids Res. 43, 6545-56

Regulation of microRNA biogenesis and turnover by animals and their viruses.
Libri V, Miesen P, van Rij RP, Buck AH. (2013) Cell Mol Life Sci. 70, 3525-44

Murine cytomegalovirus encodes a miR-27 inhibitor disguised as a target.
Libri V, Helwak A, Miesen P, Santhakumar D, Borger JG, Kudla G, Grey F, Tollervey D, Buck AH. (2012) Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 109, 279-84

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